
In this page are reported all the options available to tune GILA. To override one of them, open the layout.sh or partitioning.sh (options for the latter have ‘partitioning’ on their name) script according to the option(s) to override with a text editor and add the following to the command options (without square brackets):

-ca [option title]=[option value]

option type default description
layout.flooding.ttlMax int 3 The maximum time to live of a message during the layout phase.
layout.limit int 1000 The maximum number of layout supersteps (does not include the pre-process and post process stages).
option type default description
reintegration.radius float 0,2 The multiplying factor used when computing the length of the one degree vertices. It is used with the dynamic radius option.
reintegration.dynamicRadius boolean TRUE If is set to TRUE then the one-degree vertices edge length will be computed as a fraction of the shortest edge of the neighboring vertex. If set to FALSE, it will be computed as a fraction of the ideal edge length.
reintegration.coneWidth float 90,0 If the reintegrating class is ConeReintegrateOneEdges this value is used as the width of the cone (in degrees) in which arrange the one degree vertices for each vertex.
reintegration.anglePadding float 2,0 When arranging the one degree vertices into a circular sector, this value is used as padding.
reintegration.reintegratingClass String FairShareReintegrateOneEdges The one degree vertices reintegration class to use.
reintegration.componentPadding float 20,0 The padding in pixels between the connected components when arranged in the table.
reintegration.fairLowThreshold float 2,0 When the default reintegration method is used, this value represents the smallest circular sector angle (in degrees) in which vertices will be arranged. Narrower sectors will be skipped.
option type default description
layout.node_length float 20,0 Length of the vertex bubble. Note that the ideal spring length is computed as node_separation+square(node_length+node_width).
layout.node_width float 20,0 Width of the vertex bubble. Note that the ideal spring length is computed as node_separation+square(node_length+node_width).
layout.node_separation float 20,0 Chosen vertex separation. Note that the ideal spring length is computed as node_separation+square(node_length+node_width).
layout.initialTempFactor float 0,4 To compute the initial temperature, for each component a value obtained from the dimensions of the initial layout is split by this number.
layout.coolingSpeed float 0,94 At each iteration, the temperature at the previous superstep will be multiplied by this value to obtain the temperature at the current superstep.
layout.walshawModifier float 0,052 Repulsive forces moderation constant.
layout.accuracy float 0,01 Minimum vertex displacement.
layout.convergence-threshold float 0,9 The needed percentage of vertices who moved below the accuracy setting such that the equilibrium stage is reached.
layout.forceModel string FR The force model to use. Another option is LinLog.
layout.forceModel.extraOptions string “” Comma separated values to pass to the force model builder. The default force models do not need any.
layout.repulsiveForceModerationFactor float NONE If set, all repulsive forces will be mitigated by this factor. Otherwise, the repulsive forces mitigation factor will be computed as k^2 times walshawFactor.
option type default description
partitioning.input.bBox.X float 1200 If a random placement is selected, this value represents the width of the bounding box of the random layout.
partitioning.input.bBox.Y float 1200 If a random placement is selected, this value represents the height of the bounding box of the random layout.
partitioning.input.doRandomizeCoordinates boolean TRUE If set to true, the initial layout will be randomized; otherwise the coordinates read from the input file will be used.
partitioning.output.showComponent boolean TRUE Whether or not to display the component of each vertex in the output of the partition phase. Useful for debugging the pre-process stage, deactivating it will produce an output not compatible with the layout algorithm.
partitioning.pruneOneDegrees boolean TRUE Whether or not prune the one degree vertices from the input graph during the pre-process stage.
option type default description
layout.output.showPartitioning boolean FALSE Whether or not to display the partition of each vertex in the output.
layout.output.showComponent boolean TRUE Whether or not to display the connected component of each vertex in the output.